Why does it matter what matters?


Yesterday's online workshop was all about core values. It was a former boss who first pointed out that I'm very 'values-driven'. I'd never really thought about it, but they were absolutely right. Once I stopped to think about what matters, and how I feel when my values are compromised, I really began to understand myself better.

Generally, people are very resilient. We put up with a lot. We let ourselves get pushed into all sorts of places and situations that we may not truly believe in. Sometimes we do this voluntarily because it seems like the easy option, or the 'path of least resistance'.

But over time this can become overwhelming. We start to tolerate ourselves, our lives, and our circumstances. This place of tolerance is inherently unfulfilling. It can start to feel as if we're climbing a mountain without a peak. No reward at the end of it, to stand back once we've got there and realise what it was all for.

Life is full of compromises and it wouldn't be realistic to expect to live a life that is true to all of one's values, all of the time. But we do have choices in life and if we are at least aware of our core values, and which ones are real non-negotiables, it becomes easier to make those choices.

Values are like family in a sense. You don't choose them and you do have to live with them. And if you look at it like that, you might as well get to know those values really well so that they may help you stay true who you really are and what really matters to you.

Today, like many coaches around the world, I am taking part in International Coaching Day 6th May 2020, and pledging to donate a one-hour coaching session to somebody in my community who would benefit from coaching. I would it if that could be a healthcare professional who is struggling to process everything that's going on around them at the moment. I'll post in my local community networks but if you feel this is you, please get in touch here or by sending an email to hello@yvettecoldicott.com.

But first I'm really looking forward to this morning's workshop, called "How to calm the noise in your head", which will hopefully be a nice combination of enlightening and fun! There are still spaces if you'd like to join us (register here).


Chimp and Monkey


Birds and the new 'normal'