Personal Coaching
All about YOU.
Whatever your reasons for working with a coach, we will look at the things that matter to You.
You may want to become more connected with yourself and parts of your life that have become neglected, in or out of work.
Changes you’ve dreamed of.
Perhaps you want to make a bigger impact on your community, the organisation you work in, or the world around you.
It’s personal.
In personal coaching, the focus in on You. Executive Coaching and Life Coaching are both examples of personal coaching. It can have great benefits in both your work and your personal life.
Whatever your reasons.
Do you want to reduce imposter syndrome? Develop effective boundaries? Create harmony and integration between your work and personal life? Boost your resilience and reduce stress?
Invest in yourself.
As your coach I support You while you invest in yourself, your personal and professional life and development. Coaching gives you precious time and space think about yourself and your life, with me as a guiding light to lead the way.
Discover the power of emotion.
You’ll develop a self-awareness that connects you with what energises you (and what doesn’t). It’s not always easy. But it’s transformative!
Find your Why.
You will identify your ‘Why’ and your core values which will help you make purposeful choices and have the confidence to commit to those choices.
Meet your Chimp.
You will understand who you are when you’re at your best as well as becoming connected with your ‘inner critic’. And you’ll be able to harness this awareness to become more effective.
I love working with high performing, ambitious mid-career professionals. My clients tend to have busy lives and are often spinning multiple plates. Working parents, healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders. People who are very good at thinking about the needs of those around them, but rarely pause to think about themselves or what matters to them. A particular specialist interest is working with Leaders who live with Long Term Health Problems, in particular Chronic Pain. This keeps me close to my foundations as a Consultant in Pain Management, which is where I first discovered the incredible impact that coaching can have.