And breathe…

Robin Hoar Frost

Life’s a journey, but where are you heading? Is that out of choice? Are you looking around you as you go? Or are you just on the road, keeping your head down, feeling overwhelmed and burning out but trying not to think about it? 


I’ve taken the past few weeks off. Thankfully, because I really needed a break. Time to breathe, to laugh, to spend time with my family, to sleep, to get to know our new home, to read a book and to sleep some more.

2020 took its toll on most people. We all experienced it in different ways, but suffice to say nobody’s had it easy. On balance, though, I got off relatively lightly and I am hugely grateful for that.

So I’ve paused, and slept. I’ve enjoyed getting out for some good long winter walks (many more of those to come) and I have loved watching the birds and other wildlife that share our garden. And now that I’m refreshed, I’m ready to help others who need a moment to pause, take stock, and work out what lies ahead.

I invite you to join me for a 3 hour individual and highly personalised ‘Reset and Refocus’ Workshop. Together, we will take a look at who you really are deep down and use this core of inner wisdom to discover what really matters to you. 

My January gift is to offer this workshop free of charge to 5 people who feel they really need this right now. So you gift yourself the time, and I’ll gift you the workshop. 

You can book here

Use code REFOCUSJANGIFT for a 100% discount.


A message from a kestrel


Why I love coaching leaders living with pain